Why Do Traders Lose? Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

  Traders often lose money for a few main reasons, and most of them are linked to psychology, not lack of knowledge or experience. Even skilled traders make mistakes when their emotions take control. Understanding these mental traps is a big step toward successful trading. Let's look at the key reasons for losses: Fear and Greed.  Fear and greed are the biggest enemies of traders. Fear makes you exit a trade too early, missing out on profit, or avoid trades when the market is offering good opportunities . Greed pushes you to take too much risk or hold on to a trade for too long, which often leads to losses. Both emotions distort your thinking and make it hard to stick to your plan. Lack of Discipline. Discipline means following your strategy even when emotions are high. When you lose discipline, you might make trades without enough analysis. This leads to impulsive decisions and losses. For example, after a few losing trades, a trader might try to "win back" the losses b

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